
After studying Psychology she worked in various positions for film productions and as an addiction counselor at Vienna’s Anton Proksch Institut. Since 1996 casting director for fiction films, documentaries and commercials. 2006 founding member of Kombinat West.

Selection of films as a casting director:
Antares (directed by Götz Spielmann), Böse Zellen (directed by Barbara Albert), Übermorgen nirgendwo (directed by Markus Stein), Das Tor zur Hölle (directed by Max Gruber), Das Eis bricht (directed by Falk Schweikhardt), Kotsch (directed by Helmut Köpping), The Virgin (directed by Diego Donnhofer), Serial Killers: Jack Unterweger (directed by Ross Harper), ALOHA im 3/4 Takt (directed by Christian Riehs)